Providing expert residential snow removal services for more than 25 years.
Residential Snow Plowing and Removal
Snow plowing and snow removal on residential properties in New England can be challenging. Rothwell has the equipment to plow your drives, snow blow areas that can’t be plowed either efficiently or at all. When needed, snow can be removed with loaders and trucks. For bad storms, as we experienced in the winter of 2015, clearing snow from rooftops can help to prevent structural damage from extreme overloading on the roof. Clearing roofs also helps to minimize formation of ice dams that cause roof leaks and water damage inside the home. Where required, snow shovelers can be provided to clear entry and walkways for safe passage and to clear snow away from furnace exhaust vents to prevent the blocking of vents that leads to generation of carbon monoxide in the home.
Other equipment such as sanding trucks can help when snow/rain storms and low temperatures lead to our infamous New England “skating rink” conditions.