A customized program of residential lawn care and property maintenance activities is developed to suit your unique needs. Each program can incorporate from the list of services below. If you have needs not covered here, simply let us know what you need, as we can meet just about any landscape requirement you may have.
Traditional Lawn Care – Traditional lawn care programs utilize fertilizer and chemical treatments that have proven over the years to provide both predictable and attractive results for the growing season.
Hybrid Lawn Care – Hybrid programs combine elements from both organic and traditional care programs. Use of chemicals is reduced and complemented with organic products to achieve a more ecology sensitive treatment program. Hybrid programs are effective in preventing unwanted weed growth, supplying ample nourishment for plant life and also providing a safer environment for people, pets and wildlife.
Organic Lawn Care – Organic programs utilize only natural plant, mineral and other organic materials. Natural materials, although safer for the environment, are not as fast acting and are more suited to situations where long term benefits are the chief concern.
• Mowing – Attractive mowing patterns have developed into almost an art form over the past few years. Rothwell’s mowing professionals can mow your lawn to achieve the distinct look you desire, whether it be wavy, ballpark, stripe, or whatever meets suits your fancy.
• Garden & Flower Bed Maintenance - Maintaining garden and flower beds will keep them looking their best all year long. Flower care, shrub enrichment, weed control, raking, soil enhancement, bed edge definition are all part of the job and make your landscape look its best.
• Pruning Services – Proper pruning is vital for trees and shrubs to keep them healthy. Skillful pruning can also improve the plants appearance, spur growth, make trees less susceptible to storm damage and minimize potential entry points for disease.
Residential Property Maintenance Programs – A year long property maintenance program custom designed to meet the needs of your property’s landscape and budget can be suggested for your consideration if you wish. A mutually understood and agreed upon plan helps you maintain your property just the way want with a minimum of hassles.
Some typical additional program choices are:
• Early Spring Cleanups
• Late Fall Cleanups
• Spring Fertilization
• Fall Fertilization
• Summer Care and Fertilization
• Winterization